Saturday, December 3, 2011

DIY Decorative Balls

I have seen many a version of these decorative balls on the net that I got inspired to have my very own.  So off I went to buy my glue gun, glue sticks and styroballs from National Bookstore, and Beans from the grocery.

Glue Gun
Glue Sticks
Styro Balls
Red, White & Mongo Beans

I started attaching the beans one at a time in circular fashion from the center, working my way through the top & bottom of the ball.
Warning:  Melted Glue Stick can be very HOT!
I lost count of the number of times I got mild burns from the exercise.

A smaller styro ball for variety

Tadah! Aren't they gorgeous ?! I simply love the texture.
Now, all I need is a really nice bowl to display my work of art.

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