Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Sister Is The Best- It's her Birthday!

                                                           sister in her most daring attire

                                       the three stooges clowning around sister aka "mamu" to wawan

My sister in so many words...

1. Collector - of Music CDs , book novels, fashion magazines, self help books, showbiz magazines and some others. I have not seen anyone with so much books as she has! I only wish she gives the same care to her other collections as she does with her books. I lost count of the many times I got disappointed bringing home empty CD cases, all the while thinking those contained what were on the CD labels. Where have all the CDs gone? whew!

2. The Beauty Expert - she's got the smoothest face or so she claims. Thanks to her ever reliable, dependable Dr. Ian Laurel. Why! The doctor should give sister credit for the many wannabes who flock to his clinic! OOPS! no magic done! she is just blessed to have even toned smooth skin! It's in the a little help from the best Dermatologist in town.

3. Fashion Icon - She wouldn't be caught dead wearing stripes, polka dots, and abstract inspired tops. My sister mutated from fashion disaster to fashion icon.

4. The Benefactor - She gives to the needy. I get gifts from her all the time. Happy & lucky me!

5. Hearty appetite - loves trying out new restaurants with me in tow, while reminding me to lose weight..

6. To be continued...