Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Our Wawan's First Bike Ride

Wawan on his first bike ride, while Tatay on the lookout...

We're having anothey boy!

Kuya Wawan was in denial at first because he wanted baby to be a girl. When people would ask him what's inside mommy's tummy, he would always immediately say "baby girl". At the ultrasound room, where I purposely brought my wawan to witness the probing by the ultrasound technicians/nurses at what's inside my tummy, he was very delighted to see the image of our little baby moving vigorously as captured and reflected at the ultrasound monitor. After some talk, he begun to understand that he will have a little brother and not sister afterall. He now looks forward to sharing his toys to our little one who will come out by Christmas season. Mommy will have her hands full of 2 little boys very soon..make it 2 little boys and 1 grown up man trying to be a little boy! Can't wait to see you our little one!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Soon to rise, on this site..

                                                    Soon to rise on this site is our new home..

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Election Fever catches my Juan

Manny Villar's campaign jingle I must admit is so popular that even kids are able to sing this with much gusto. My Juan can sing this with perfect wordings, tune with matching rap. The first campaign TV ad of Noynoy didnt make much impact I guess, that few weeks after, maybe realizing how popular Manny's ad is, came up with their own version of easy to recall/sing along with campaign material, capitalizing on the participation of controversial actress Kris Aquino's son, Baby James Yap. "Manong" Johnny (Enrile)'s TV ad is likewise catchy but nothing beats my Juan's favorite campaign TV Ad- that of Gibo (with the humungous aircraft). So attracted Juan is to Gibo, he could recognize Gibo anytime, anywhere. He would always point to me pictures of Gibo on electric posts, Buslines, etc. I guess I can say, my son is rooting for Gibo...mother and son rooting for GIBO.."ready for take off na tayo!"